It’s not just a passport!
For the students of F Class EU citizenship is not just a passport.

Participating in the project “It’s not just a passport” in the framework of the Erasmus+ ΚΑ3 “Teachers4Europe: setting an Agora for Democratic Culture” Programme, they have developed knowledge and skills to become active EU citizens.
The students worked in groups first to investigate citizenship in relation to community and democracy, using various online resources, exchanging views and comparing their ideas with their classmates. They summarised their findings in mind maps and presented them in class, learnt from their peers and made connections with their personal experiences.

The class then looked into different aspects of citizenship in the EU, studying resources that refer to the rights and the responsibilities of EU citizens, the relevant Treaties and the Europe for Citizens Programme. As a result, they made a poster with the Alphabet of EU Citizenship – words which they consider of central importance in the discussion about EU citizenship and met online with their peers from the Astoria International School from Portugal to play a Millionaire Game they created collaboratively.
The students developed awareness of key concepts and ideas regarding citizenship, and EU citizenship in particular, considerably improved their ability to use English in order to communicate personal experiences and ideas and to develop arguments on issues that relate to social and civic aspects of citizenship, and practised critical-thinking, collaboration, self-reflection skills and their ability to make informed and reflective decisions. Most importantly, they became engaged and enjoyed their learning experience, which grew their interest in social and civic issues.
Project design and implementation: Myrto Nerantzi
T4E Ambassador: Ioanna Ziaka