Action plan “Acquiring the skills of the future through Robotics”
This year, for the first time, the students of the C'1 class are introduced to robotics and programming, using the Lego WeDo 2.0 platform and participating in Educational Robotics activities in the context of the Action Plan “Acquiring the skills of the future through Robotics”.
As regards the objectives of the Plan, Educational Robotics offer the framework in which key elements to the overall vision of twenty-first-century learning are developed. Every week, the class implement robotics projects in two-hour lessons with a view to the acquisition of skills and competencies that relate to personalization, collaboration, communication, productivity and content creation.
More specifically, the students were asked to predict what would happen if they played mechanical games at school, or explain why these games are prohibited. This helped promote analytical and deductive thinking skills. Next, they were introduced to the LEGO WeDo Kits and worked together to come up with a set of rules for effective pair and team work. At the same time, through hands-on activities, they enriched their vocabulary with terms in the field of engineering and were exposed to new ways of programming and using iPads. Each team worked to compose a single solution and built mechanical games such as a carousel (merry-go-round) and a seesaw. Finally, students built gears and defined the movement of the motors, using the LEGO WeDo programming language and writing the codes to programme the movement of the gears.
So far, the class have managed to build and programme the movement of their carousels and seesaws. Bumper cars are up next!
Teachers in charge of developing and implementing this educational project:
Styliani Siouli and Maria Kyriakou